Monday, May 25, 2009


your cyber cafe under control

CafeSuite adalah software manajemen cyber cafe (warnet) yang membantu dalam mengelola pelanggan dan karyawan, mengendalikan komputer dan printer, sistem pengamanan, akuntansi dan penagihan (billing).
CafeSuite dirancang untuk menjadi solusi lengkap untuk Internet kafe dan membuat hidup lebih mudah bagi
pemilik Internet cafe operator dan pelanggan.
CafeSuite terdiri dari dua aplikasi :
CafeStation : program utama yang diinstal di meja operator. Digunakan oleh operator untuk mengendalikan semua workstation.
Cafe Agent : diinstall pada pc client.
more information visit the official site

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A couples month ago I was planning to open a public internet access [warnet], but there is not enough electricity to support 1 host computer and 8 - 10 workstations pc in my place. then I'am googling looking for something that can solve this problem 'cause adding electricity power was my last option. Then I found this NComputing Vistual desktop and device.

After reading the information from the site, I decided that this is the perfect solution for my problem above. Not only that i can save electricity, ican also save cost for maintenance and computer. it says that with "NComputing's multi-user technology enables greatly expanded computing capabilities by allowing up to 30 users to simultaneously access a single PC. This multi-user desktop experience supports simultaneous users at lower costs in an easy to use, set-up and maintain environment that is eco friendly. The result is a significantly lower cost of computing, on-going management and power usage that is many times better than a traditional networked PC model".

Then I decided to buy these  NComputing device the L230 Acces Terminal. The say with this L230 Access Terminal we can save money, time and aggravation : 

  • Efficiently share one PC with up to 30 users
  • Dramatically reduce acquisition & support costs
  • Easy to set up, maintain, and secure
  • Flexible Ethernet networking
  • Supports Windows and Linux
  • Compact and reliable
  • Energy-efficient (under 5 watts per user)

  • Then I set it up and it works! I really like this device. Now I've got this public internet access with a green computing.

    This is my first writing, I think I'am not much a writer and my english doesn't so good either

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    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    Global Test Market

    • GlobalTestMarket adalah komunitas dunia maya yang khas di mana konsumen dari seluruh dunia ikut ambil bagian dalam pengembangan produk dan layanan yang sama sekali baru.
    • Anggota mempelajari dan menggunakan produk dan layanan baru sambil mengumpulkan MarketPoint - mata uang di Internet yang bisa diuangkan.
    • Keanggotaan gratis
    • Dalam pengembangan GlobalTestMarket, Anda adalah tolok ukurnya. Partisipasi, gagasan dan pandangan Anda menjadikan GlobalTestMarket sebagai sumber berharga untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari konsumen.

    Anda akan diundang untuk mengikuti beragam survei sehingga Anda bisa memberikan masukan kepada mereka yang sedang mengembangkan produk baru atau menciptakan layanan baru.

    Bergabung dalam panel sekarang dan beri masukan untuk pengembangan produk dan layanan yang baru.

    Komentar Anggota Global Test Market

    Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana komitmen kami terhadap layanan pelanggan, silakan simak apa yang disampaikan para anggota kepada kami. Berikut adalah komentar mereka:

    'Ini adalah survei tercepat dan paling efisien dari semua yang ada di Internet. Banyak yang saya dapat dan merasa nyaman untuk mengamatinya. Kecepatannya hebat!!! Tanggapan GlobalTestMarket sangat baik, komunikasi dan link terprogram dengan baik serta mudah digunakan. Sungguh senang bisa ikut ambil bagian dalam survei berskala global seperti ini!!!'

    'Di Australia saya mudah menemukan perusahaan internasional yang ternama saja... dan perusahaan internasional yang sesungguhnya. Sering saya memilih "Australia" di kolom negara, namun ditolak sampai saya memasukkan nama negara bagian AS... (Saya tulis VA untuk Victoria!). Saya mengikuti survei minggu ini untuk satu perusahaan internasional... tapi tidak berhak memenangkan satu hadiah pun... negaranya salah. Jelas mereka tidak mempertimbangkan hal semacam ini dengan baik. Dalam skala internasional, lebih baik dibandingkan lainnya.'

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    Cyber Cafe Software

    Friendly cyber cafe software (Internet cafe software) with modern user interface, great number of features and outstanding customer support.

    TrueCafe Internet cafe software supports: Desktop personal computers, thin clients (terminal services, NComputing, etc.) and wireless laptops.

    Thin clients (NComputing, Terminal Server, etc.) support
    Install TrueCafe Internet cafe software on thin-client platforms such as NComputing (L130, L230, X300), Windows Terminal Server, Elusiva, etc. In this case a number of user sessions run on a host computer simultaneously. Each session is considered by TrueCafe as a separate virtual terminal with TrueCafe Client running. TrueCafe Server can be installed on either the same shared computer or a detached one.

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    About NComputing
    Today's PCs are so powerful that the vast majority of applications only use a small fraction of the computer's capacity. NComputing's virtualization software and hardware tap this unused capacity so that it can be simultaneously shared by multiple users. Each user's monitor, keyboard, and mouse connect to the shared PC through a small and very durable NComputing access device. The access device itself has no CPU, memory, or moving parts—so it is rugged, durable, and easy to deploy and maintain. The result is the lowest possible cost for computing access.

    Eco-friendly computing
    We can’t live without PCs, but we need to learn how to live with them: they consume too much electricity and generate too much e-waste. A typical PC takes 110 watts to run, and there are almost a billion of them on the planet. And according to the Silicon Valley Toxics Commission, e-waste is the fastest growing part of the waste stream.

    The solution is simple
    Today's PCs are so powerful that we no longer need one for each person. We can tap into the excess power in one PC and share it with many users. NComputing technology uses just 1 to 5 watts, lasts for a decade, and generates just a few ounces of e-waste.

    Save on computer costs & electricity
    NComputing systems cost at least 50% less than standard PCs, and since they draw less than 5 watts, you reduce your energy footprint by as much as 90% per user. And because NComputing devices produce practically no heat, they reduce the need for energy-consuming air conditioning. Electricity savings alone can pay for the NComputing virtual desktops in as little as one year. No wonder NComputing has won so many green awards.

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